Monday, 31 October 2011

Children's Film Research - What is a children's film?

A children's film is a film especially aimed for the audience of children and nobody else. There is no other audience that its aimed for. For example films like Toy Story and Finding Nemo are key examples of Children's films as they are animated and are about an adventure.

The most common genres used in children's films are action, adventure, fantasy and comedy. The characters are usually played by famous actors and there are usually many different character types.
For example in Toy Story the characters of 'Buzz' and 'Woody' are the heroes yet still are different character types.

The opening conventions of the opening sequence may contain:
Title sequence
Introduction of main characters
Establishment or setting the scene of location
Sound track or theme
Introduction of the film narrative and genre

Children's Film Research - Credits

The opening credits of a children's film usually include things like the producers, directors, sponsors, characters, music producers, editors, designers and if its an animation then animation designers, effects and others like associates.

The way that the opening credits is incorporated into a animation like The Incredibles is that the credits are in action with the scene. For example in background of the opening credits for the film is moving characters and explosions. The credits are moving with this and are linked to whatever happens here. This opening shows that this scene is dedicated to the credits by having no characters introduced or spoken about here.

Children's Film - Second and third day of filming

On our second day of filming we planned to try and film the outside scene with also some establishing shots. We wanted to get this done to ensure that the outside setting remains the same throughout the opening whereas if we started filming on two separate days the lighting may be different.

We succeeded in completing the outside filming and some outside shots but also we completed one classroom shot as well. However we later found, after reviewing the footage, that two of the shots we had taken had problems with them. For example one shot had someone in the background who wasn't supposed to be there and the other had a piece of camera equipment in the background. To fix this we decided that on the third day we would need to redo these shots.

On the third day of filming our aims were to complete the classrooms scene but also, due to problems with earlier footage, to redo some outside shots. After completing all of this we would have finished our filming on time.

We finished our classroom scenes and corrected the outside scenes within thirty minutes of filming. We now have the editing and the soundtrack to do.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Children's Film - Script

Classroom Scene: Mitch:  'Right class, today we are doing this'
                                         'Thats Good'
                            Jack: 'Thank you'
                           Harry 'You have found it!'

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Childrens Film - Prop and costume list

Black marble car tyre to act as magical object.
Picture of story

Green jumper
Blue Jeans
Dark Navy blue jumper

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Children's Film - First day of filming/blog posts

In the first hour of the lesson we decided to do some blog posts instead of filming. This included: Shot list, location pictures, title sequence and the final storyboard design.

Then, with thirty minutes left of the lesson we decided to take some establishing shots of our children's film so that we had some useful footage to edit later on. We got an establishing shot of the outside from a high angle and also using the long shot camera technique. This gave us some footage to edit in the titles here. Also we got a long shot of the main character walking towards the woods as this showed the scale of the woods.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Childrens Film - Final Storyboard decision

We made the choice of either two similar storyboards and decided instead of choosing one to mix the two.
The first storyboard had a zoom in front of the character but the second had a over the shoulder shot. We then had blinking and zooming onto the picture. We mixed both storyboards by using the picture, blinking and transitioning into the scene. Both storyboards had similar endings and we used them both.

Childrens Film - Location Photos part 2:

Classroom Establishing Shot

Mid Shot


Point Of View Shot

Point Of View Shot 2

Establishing Classroom Shot

Mid Shot

Mid Shot

Close Up And Over the Shoulder

POV of character

POV of Keyboard.

Children's Film - Title Sequence

Sponseredbyfender productions in association with Marshgreen entertainment.
Ruddy Pictures.
Ruddy Pictures presents.

Main Title:

Jack Sandham
Jason Marshgreen
Michael Ruddy
Harry Blair

Written and directed by Harry Blair and Jason Marshgreen.
Produced by Long Road Media.

Children's Film - Shot List

Classroom Scene:

  • Establishing shot to set the scene.
  • Panning across to show all the scene.
  • Slow zoom on characters face (close-up)
  • Long fade in
  • Whilst zooming it will transition to  a point of view shot.
  • Blur, still with point of view.
  • When the character starts blinking it uses quick fade in/out.
  • Slow motion change as the character is starting to daydream
  • Camera zooms down with point of view shot into picture.
  • Scene then blurs the picture so it transitions into it.
  • Camera looks up to new scene and character is in the picture.
Outside Scene: 
  • Zooming out to establishing shot
  • Extreme long shot
  • Hitchcock zoom
  • Tracking the character as they walk into woods.
  • Using over the shoulder whilst tracking.
  • Character finds a special magical object using a low angle shot to show significance.
  • Beam of light (after effects) on this object as the shot transitions into the sky.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Storyboard and Location Shots

2) Changes to a high angle, extreme long shot, of jack, showing scale of scene. Character moves towards the trees, camera zooms, following character into woods.

1) After day dream transition, next shot establishes scene in characters point of view, camera moves from left to right, imitating the characters moves. 

3) Character comes into scene from front, over the shoulder shot, into the woods, tracking the character.

4) Once into the woods, character stops looks around, and starts moving in direction of trees.

5) Camera looking between tree, seeing character move from background gradually into foreground. 
7) Depth of field looking through leaf, leaf moving creating tension.

6) Character finding something on log, low angle, making him seem important.

Monday, 10 October 2011

U2-62: Previous Children's Film Opening

What's good about the film:
  • Good effects on opening
  • Lots of different camerawork: match on action, close up, over the shoulder.
  • We liked the use of the lighting effects near the end to show flickering.
  • Depressing sound that fits the theme.
  • Simple story-line.

Q1-08 Children's Film Introduction

Whats good:
  • clever tranistions
  • whilst exiting and dramatic, not over the top 
  • a range of differant camera angle that helped support the plot of the story
  • easily understandable storyline
  • good costumes

Classification Research - '18'

No one younger than 18 may see an '18' film in cinema or rent/buy one.

  • Material is in breach of criminal law.
  • Material appears to risk harm to individuals or violent acts. This may contain illegal drugs and contain portrayals of sexual violence.
  • Explicit images of sexual activity which cannot be justified by context.
  • Video Games may have more frequent intervention than films
  • Sex education: Where it is used to inform and educate, explicit images are permitted.

Classification Research - '15'

  • No one younger then 15 can enter a cinema to see this classified film
  • The entire film must not reinforce bad language or behavior
  • Drug taking may be shown but must not promote actual drug use
  • strong threat is allowed if not sexual or sadistic
  • dangerous behavior should no be dwelt on
  • there may be frequent use of strong language if justified by the context
  • some sexual nudity alowed
  • violence may be strong but not dwelt on

Classification Research - '12, 12A'

The same criteria counts for both 12 and 12A. Work classified at this category may upset children of 12 and under. A 12A requires anyone under the age of 12 to be accompanied by an adult. 

  • Discrimination language must not be endorsed by the work and aggression is unlikely to be acceptable.
  • Drugs must be infrequent and not glamorized.
  • Horror most be moderate and infrequent.
  • Imitable behavior should not be in detail.
  • Language should be moderate and infrequent.
  • Nudity is allowed but brief.
  • Sex should be brief and discreetly portrayed.
  • Mature themes are acceptable.
  • Moderate violence should not be in detail.

Classification Research - 'U'

'U' Classification:
Should be suitable for audiences aged four and over and should set a positive moral framework. A 'U' needs to have counterbalances to violence, threat or horror. Discrimination, drugs, horror, violence imitable behavior and language should be infrequent, mild or nothing at all.

Classification Research - 'PG'

'PG' Classification:
  • No detail of Potentially dangerous behaviour
  • No prolonged fighting scenes
  • Moderate violence without detail
  • Mild bad language
  • Discreet and infrequent sex references and innuendo
  • Natural nudity only

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Introduction Research - Finding Nemo

Genre: Adventure, animation.
The trailer shows the main plot behind the film which is to find Nemo. There is also a hint in the title of the film. This trailer uses non digetic suspenseful music and a montage of scenes at one point to show the  importance. Like other trailers this uses non digetic music to help establish the film.
Characters: Introduction of main characters by showing the problem and who is involved.
Camerawork: montage, close-ups, establishing shots.
Sound: suspenseful, dubbed sound of water.

Introduction Research - Series of unfortunate events

Genre: Detectives, dark.

The opening at first shows a fake scene to 'happy elf' which then changes to the film itself. This shows a contrast between the happiness of that film with the depressing scene of this film. It then sets the scene and the plot with the passing of the main characters parents.

Animation to begin the credits: contrast of happy and sad introduction.
Introduction to characters by using non digetic narration for each person.
Camera shots: low lighting, close-ups on the main characters for each introduction, match on action, long shot of the fire/event.
Sound: Happy at the start then contrast to depressing.

Introduction Research - Monsters Inc.

The genre of the film: Scary, comedy, animation.

The opening scene shows the main plot of the film, which is to scare children through the doors. It doesn't introduce the main characters.
characters: No main characters introduced.
camerawork: over the shoulder, close up,  match on action, high angle, low light, tracking.
Animation to begin opening credits.
Sound: Suspense as he enters.

Introduction Research - Toy Story 3 trailer

Genre: adventure, action, animation.
Introduces most of the main characters in the trailer by showing that woody is the leader and buzz is the follow up. Basically the trailer is showing what kind of personalities some of the characters have and how important each characters part is in the film.
Camerawork: Tracking the scene; one camera type of shot.
Sound: Non digetic music to show the adventure genre and its the main theme song.

Pixar: The Incredibles - original 2004 movie trailer

In this action packed trailer, various mise en scene's are used to capture an on edge thrilling, exciting introduction. Different camera angles are used, mainly close ups, and low angle shots. Fast movements and big explosives make this a fun, interesting film for kids and adults. Clever Pixar comedy is used at the end to round off a thrilling trailer.  

Cars trailer

The cars trailer is another great representation of Pixar animation. The fun American rock tune at the start of the trailer introduces a clssic american styled scene with the famous route 66 road. Voice overs are used over the top of the music which starts to give a baseline of the story and narrative. Traditional pixar adult humour making this a film for the family, rather than just for kids. Lots of lights, smoke and clean, clear bright colours, to represent the film in a fun way. Lots of zooms to show the enviroment, panning and fade transitions to maintain a constant smooth flow throughout. Great car sound effects, loud engine noises and cartooney SFX.

Madagascar [trailer] (2005)

Madagascer by Dream works, Introudces the 4 main characters in a funny, silly way by wishing the Zebra happy birthday. Humour is imediatly thrown at us at the start of this trailer, with mainly mid to close up shots at the start of the trailer and towards the middle a couple of low angle shots to represnt the hippo, as a big, loud type of character. The 4 penguins are shown as small creatures, but represnted as imporant, secret agent type of characters. Lots of fast, quick scenes, still camera shots, and voice over giving a clear baseline of the story. Also fun, cartooney background music makes this a exciting, humous film for all.

Toy Story 2 Beginning

A mysterious, quiet, spacey beginning builds to a massive, loud, bang with the Disney Pixar presents title. A slow, quiet start again to another 2 big title scenes. Buzz is shown, flying into earth at incredible speed, this is enhanced by the sounds, and light effect around him.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Preliminary task

In our preliminary task we used the following shots: two match on action, close up, long shot, mid shot, establishing shot, over the shoulder and reaction shot. We did this task successfully however, we did have some errors with our 2nd match on action shot. This was because the door was locked and had to use a different door. To improve we should of used more shots and had a door which opened so that we had a working match on action shot.
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