Wednesday 9 November 2011

Comparing characters

Central Characters
The central characters in our film are Jack and Harry. This is because Jack is the main character filmed and Harry is shown to have a important role. Jack is seen as a main character because he has most screen time in the opening sequence and the camera is following his life. Harry shows that he has an important role when Jack finds the mysterious device and Harry says "you have found it". This leaves the film on a cliff hanger and allows the audience to ask questions about the characters and the device.
Comparing with a professional film - Alice in wonderland
We can compare our children's film with Alice in Wonderland we are alike they're story of the dream world. The character in our film of 'Jack' can be compared with 'Alice' because they both find themselves as the main character exploring through an adventure and ending up in a dream world. Jack has fallen asleep into a day dream and Alice falls down a hole into underworld. They both experience a confused and strange feeling as they appear in the dream world. This is shown as Jack questions his location by saying 'huh?' and how Alice finds this underworld resembles her nightmares. 
Harry can be compared with the cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland as the cat is shown as a mentor and Harry is also shown as this mentor figure. This can be shown in the opening sequence as Harry shows that he is the more powerful character as he tells Jack 'you have found it' and makes Jack look vulnerable .

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